Exhibition Centers Lighting

Good lighting in an exhibition center is very important for companies and potential customers to discuss business in this place. Not only are these events helpful in acquiring new clients, but they can also lead to good results. Ensuring that the exhibition center has enough light is key to providing the best environment for exhibitors.
Typically, exhibition centers are buildings with high ceilings, and areas are often divided by dark canvases. Therefore, the only light sources for the hall come from ceiling lights and standing lights. However, most conference centers use traditional HQI lighting systems, which not only consume a lot of energy, and produce little light, but also require frequent maintenance and therefore are expensive to operate. In short, traditional lighting systems darken the conference center and increase operating costs.
MKLIGHTS LED provides high-quality LED lighting solutions that can replace existing traditional lighting systems. Compared with traditional lighting, MKLIGHTS LED lighting has many advantages. By using MKLIGHTS LED lighting, you can save up to 70% in lighting system energy costs. Our LED lighting is more than 150 lumens per watt, has a lifespan of more than 100,000 hours, and requires no maintenance. This is thanks to the high-quality components and LED chips we use.
Therefore, the adoption of MKLIGHTS LED lighting solutions can provide the exhibition center with a well-lit, efficient, and low operating cost lighting environment. This will enhance the corporate image and provide participants with a good discussion and working environment.